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ENROLMENT NO-  2069108420170010



UNIVERSITYEMAIL ID –BinkalbaGohil1995@Gmail.Com


SUMMARIZES STRUCTURALISM AND LITERARY CRITICISM.                                              



Ø Introduction:
                                What is structure over form is a leader debate text, and when They have a fall They have a structure. This particular study is too good to structure now do  understand language how do  pursue, this world is indeed very complex.


                             This structure are ordering the ambulance,  now let how what why I grow up villain this thing is larger structure gradually. we study the formation complaint of society of along the language,learn the way and Costing in which we of Leopard in sole purpose and the next needs. also this they cannot be changed after Lee suppose if  I was in constant status says that he is name is Jack of all girls say its name is Jackson China  this time work for you to use this name again icon on Christian name and you think that person is formed Christian community.

                          Until unless they don't know the sun suppose what happen if you know if you come to learn, that it is a Hub Mall or jaikali Canal or to structural change they have hundred that means the structure has a change.

                        The moment of the structuralism was one of us to understand language scientific studies. so it's in goal is ultimately to try to account for old women, thought and behavior speech in action and successful in available but but was have ever essential in on calling. from important truths about the way in which we communicate,  and one think ahead structural typing to do was on cover what they call The structures of language is structuralism and object to decompose.  so if this the formalist approach it to text Formalism looks at a particular parts are literary device can be broken down and looked at as a discrete.


                      That is the involved structure for the particular all the specific instance now for dinner, Saussure  finger how to structuralism. in the world talk about the sign in the signified in inter signifier, and he broke down on communication.  into these three things now the sign is a combination of the signified in the signifier signified word of course, we know that what are arbitrary because Their is a variety of different language right.  so we have the word for a tree in Hindi English language in Spanish language a different word the French language and so on and so forth and so we know because of three, that the word  arbitrary.

                            Now director that the signifier the word on the other hand we have the signified, and that is the concept that word bring to me and of course.  if I say the word dream everyone is going to have a different conception of a tree some of you might be thinking of deciduous trees Aadhar of every green trees.

                           so maybe thinking of aple tree some of you may have found, memories I'm of tree about the work that they built when you're very kind and you love playing and trees and then other of you might have more pragmatic. experiences maybe you remember the time you were climbing a tree in the branch block and you fell and broke, your leg so the signified eating what to bring to mind in individual.

                              when they hear a signifier word and then the signs in the combination of those two things,  its combination. of the word as a well as the image that comes to mind when there is a basic building blocks of language is how we create meaning out of the word essentially, and so the structuralist try to analyse the rules according. to which trees our range in house society tries to organise .itself around one  and one key inside the store had is that meaning is create binary opposition, and this is going to structure device work with into specific novel and structuralism.

                           The principles that we should able to apply the family is easily text that we are reading is a creative sort of binary opposition that will help us creating, from Blue Stacks so super said the language is not a function of the speaker but rather its ok by the language private. but it is available in the dictionary everything rules grammar sentence idiom language is something that I used only in theory now by contrast, speech is what we actually do and in order to for us to make sense about of speech we must have French language.

                             we must read the theory that public domain and of course we understand difference. is to say thought process of negotiate so we know that something is what because it is not called we know that something movie wet because it is not,

 1) dry and sore that the sense of the binary to,

2)  Hot and  cold the wet dry the,

3) good and evil
The process of Differential why we know one thing is existence as such because,  it is not something systems. and so is to insight are really keep for us to understand how he is who won make sense of the word how we create meaning, of course   in the system of sin  contest.  one is always  you no simply think harmonium words,  that sound the same but have different meaning which is in which write you only know if you're talking about you know where to decide. between one thing of another hour and talking about the short of creature with a long.
                          In own words and sleep around on a broom vicar contacts because those words I want to exit fan Tesco  of hominy hundred of hominy  India language. and other key features structuralism according to state language, doesn't exist in isolation but rather it exist within the system and so the theory. is the talk about the big bag of language which is to say that language has to be cleared in a instant short of the role language, have to be cleared at one time is not short of a great duel. of all rules sentence sofas but system,stanceastrophysics talk about universe coming into being this instant in the big  now semiotic is not speaking a literary theory .
                          for but rather weekends think about literature is a subfield of semiotics and semiotics, essential the study of exist in communication systems for it help explain how field of the inter related object be intelligent as that particular field so you could have been some out you can have literary semiotic and so on and so forth now let us think of the specific.
                            That we used to make a sense of and so in this is our basic cognitive structures, are in place and they are there are a dependent upon language. iambic time with some sort of meaning Windows has only way we can make sense out of the word, in for the language that we use to try to do some now this idea in opposition to the most traditional assumption. set language exist simply as a descriptive words, and we use that code to understand reality and its communicated to ask in a very transparent method .

                           Now the structuralist  would say there are absolutely nothing simply or transparent about language, the language is full of political beliefs. it is a social values its full of judgment, I really would help worldview  how we view the words and also most of us think we control. language actually control user.

                          is the application ,of structuralism is it that it can look a binary opposition attacks for how does a test set binary it might be inStructuralism.

                  Structure  know language is also a completely body of Science and structure we know language how much destruction is only A B C D E and F U combined see at them the structure you or did you not always thought from those books where the photograph picture of the meaning for so all the languages have a lot of lot of this but I can hear me we have got the script and English we have found you and a friend to German and Spanish be our angry you Street it's easy to love this lab because this from the convert .

                      Mandarin all of world swallow red buy the Chinese people it doesn't have any script it is directly communicate in the form of symbols transcript when we look at the transcription in English we have different symbol for each alphabet over the news and some and the components .



                      what is signified meaning   means we live in home something where we leave some classes some structures, we live what is signified h o u s i that has come back .
                                 way we understand a particular work the sites which has got to see me fine and that the about signifier letters and some don't really to structure and land apparel Claude Levi Strauss something structure, in understand the land land parole menzel and land is to complete.
                            Sume of the language is complete system of language that it has everything every word ever spoken already or even talk comes in line and this photo role is the individuals language. in any person's Speedo right from the film big structures.
                              That is for thyroid is bigger structure smallest structure of China now the way we can say that is what people think and payroll is what people write and speak to others terms  competence and performance confidence. means a person has the competence of writing   listening speaking hearing confidence again is a bigger structure Australia has a lot of competition. performance is always less than the competition of form and reading speaking and writing you know much inside he is the mind but he would not be able to.

                        Equalized   everything he knows  there are times when we end of easy ones afterwards and Their  cute always listening ,done this not show the right think about it is always more than the breathing.
                      Bust speaking capacity to this is where the competition is a more performance easily shopping structures walking the technology of talking about the structures where we get reading and for what we read the description of community, and we are my dog back and try to understand with what they were you born baby know me just take in mean it is all psychological process.

                     What you have all the science of psychology also is our child when he start learning by see picture and by the pronouncing to symbol of the song by saying haha, mama,  this is so it is already there and he scenes   I have been thinking this is there business when we grow up and read test he has already in mind.  as he is safe to bring the structure and structure is already present.

                       What this kind of pain we'll talk again and again what explaining user literary theory because it is too much attached to the formation,  of the image in the plane in language designer also Governor by another system.  of rules and quotes which is called brown now this Graham according to rules of the ground, also you understand so it is and is the is a mother.  I suppose if you learn English along with oldest language learn English other time it we must sweet really nicely, and completely but if a person close to eat to certain age and then he start learning.
                            it not just as a second line with water as a foreign language for say he doesn't know all word and when is start plan aura learning it would be very difficult for me to learn because all the grammatical structure of his mother,  structure of a problem is very difficult to get to that is why people find it is very difficult in any language.
                        is there after certain age to learn Spanish but I could only finished with commentary of phrase of very small sentences, I could not get caught the fancy influencing. not sufficient to know so we require another query which is hard also post structuralism will be discussion with some modernism postmodernism because of postmodernism in , postmodernism because the construction.


           Relationship between 1) synchronic  and
                                      2) diachronic and the private importance of the concept, not only for semiotic birthday for it is after death in a structuralism and also for its relation to the Russian Formalism, because you remember importance of this concept not only for semiotic but for relation to structuralism talking about Function the formalist you undertook to think about the literary history and the problem of literature history biography .

                            where very much language in functions given text could be understood in two different waves there was the   cyclone function which was the relationship between date function and all of the  Australian linguistic the relationship between synchronous and diachronic is very much you to consider language is considered as given moment inside chronically.

                 Synchronic  that is to say you don't think of language essay system at the same time you are thinking of an founding historical  Disband  you will not introduce any element of time regularity.

                 for the relationship between the synchronic  and diachronic is off Namath  talking about the way in which year your reading when people are asking in mass of material , any but the temple on finding is not the important thing about it so in space where is the parole ,  because it is temporary because any speech any offers Max is in a certain sense historical because beginning of the sentences earlier in history then the end of the sentence for that reason there is relationship between diachronic and sounding off parallel of the sentence  attendance which is parallel word from .

                         admittedly confusing one does not really want to talk about sentences as a diachronic  combinatory the unfolding time so much time for a synchronic or  and diachronic something we can't get away from it is in with certain or central fact of structuralism. but which I we don't think I didn't adequate justice to at the end of the there are more than incredible about structuralism in the it crashes on the Shore of the United State coming in from France in the Western aid in Transformers people lives people like to count reading homework from the dog mating slumbers.

                           the only person in the bride anything about rain structuralism and he got the mean speed in quickly eat food but it was the phenomenon that was the transformative intellectual for the people in the academic in the beyond the amazing things about a flourishing and disputes literary theory at last two year because in 1966 at that time.

     The relationship between chronic function in what a function which become the relationship between synchronic and diachronic strong semiotic. you get the idea of negative knowledge that is to say in love is stress analysis of the Oedipus  myth for example the notion that there is no true version there is no original version and there.


                             Between what structuralism user doing in water Formalism means are doing Formalism text object and it doesn't to decompose it Formalism take the object and it doesn't decomposing it says object as it is it just breaking down into it respectively functions dynamically .



                          Is Roland  Barthes  structural maintenance the real decompose it then recompose it what you mean by that is that they take a bunch of varieties virgin. they take bunch of data not necessarily in data but respectively in amount of the data they 're given a idea or concept and use it and this is where he gets into the idea of growth constitutes what are the basic constitutes units of all of these items of data.


Ø Gerard genet Narratology    :

                  What is narratology   telling story and now what is the important feature of narratology International alginate talking about he is a essay in baseball narratology  and structuralism and post structuralism , there is a fire aspect of the narratology

                                                                         1) order  

                                                                        2)  frequency

                                                                        3)  duration

                                                                        4)  voice

                                                                        5)mood now discussed see all the features of narratology .   in one by one first teaser order Indo order story following tell the stories of follow to flashback murder are related to detective and Tetra solution Discovery flashback energy solutions did you find in obviously factory day recognize  a flashback as well as a narration on more Systematic and this arrangement on the level.


            The separation between an event and its  narration yellow several possibilities for example and event can offer once and be in a rated ones for example in Oliver Twist Hindi movie based on novel we see in Oliver Twist is he was the orphan boy then he was stay in work house   speak give me more he was the speak the sentence it is very significant.


                    The separation between and event and its narration means that there is a difficult time and narrative time these are the two main element of duration for example for your password has a length discovered time fire but the short narrative time like examples James Joyce Ulysses  it is a very long novel when we read the Ulysses  there is a spare time then it is not read in shorter time when we see the movie Unisys there is so many words passed in few seconds mile  moment in autopsies  for many words in pictures.


              Voice is conservative one  rate in the form where this can be split for ways,

     Intradialytic    inside the text example   Willkie  calling the woman in white chocolate  Mustafa  .


             Chennai Express Marty  movies dependent on the distance and perspective of the narrator and like music narrative mode has the predominant patterns it is related to voice distance of generator change with negative speech transport speech report speech perspective focalization narrative can focalizatiosation.


            Structural list in structuralism his literary theory the analyze  narrative technique structuralist  critique like  Roland Barthes  crude live stress he was the founder structure as a human being have some structure for inside similarity in Literature has also be seen structure in normal lifestyle to be found same structure in oval human beings for example we see in movie most of movie based on revenge and detective and Hero Vast  for love and quest for knowledge like for example in study  of novel Dr Faustus, Frankenstein both novel in Hero Quest of knowledge it is become very harmful to in life it is significance.

                               Another example of in Bollywood  movie most of movie we found the movie is based on revenge and revenge for his father death then Hero test the revenge like that based on it is happen in all the movies, same structure in all movie hero something in one movie take the revenge and other movie in quest for love something Hero Quest of knowledge tragedy happen.


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