Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Assignment on What are the Difference Between Communication Language Teaching and Audio Lingual Language.


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ENROLMENT NO-  2069108420170010

SUBMITTED TO –Dr. Dilip Barad


PARER NO- 12 English Language Teaching.

TOPIC:” What are the Difference Between Communication Language Teaching and Audio Lingual Language.




                   The audio lingual method also known as Army method or new key is a method of teaching foreign language. advocate by Charles fries the director of the English language institute at the University of the Michigan development in the US in 1939. the method of rice is a direct result of the need of foreign language proficiency in listening and speaking skills during and after World War 2 .
                 The  discuss what the audio lingual method. is what is Principal is what typical technique employed in this method, the limitation and how it differs from communicative language. teaching direct or natural method grammar translation of the method.

               Finally we can say that both the audio lingual method and communicative language teaching a tool method formerly grounded in the linguistic, and psychological theory both may have some shortcoming and drawback but are both very effectively and widely used in language teaching and learning.
               The Origins of communicative language teaching CLT are to be found in the changes in the British language teaching. tradition dating form toilet 1960. Until then situational language teaching represented the major British approach to teaching English as a foreign language . In situation language teaching language was roughs. by practicing basic structure in meaningful situation based activities if but just as the linguistic theory underlying, audio legalism.  was rejected in the united state.
              In the mid 1980 British applied linguistics begin to call into question the theoretical assumption underlying situation language teaching. .

              There was no future in Canton using pursue . This was partly response to the sort of Criticism the prominent.. American linguistic Nome chomsky had level structure linguistic theory in his now classic book. Functional approach and functional approach are also sometimes use although the movement begin as a large British innovation focusing on alternative conception of a syllabus since the mid 1917 the scope of communicative language teaching.
              Has expanded both American British proponent now see it as an approach and not a method that  to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching develop procedure for the teaching of the four language skills point it's comprehensiveness first makes it different in scope and status from any of other approaches. 


              There is a sense strong version of the communicative approach in week version the week version which has become more or less standard practice in the last  year stress the importance of providing learners with opportunity to use their English for communicative purpose and characteristic Kaila attempt to integrate such activities into a wider program of language teaching .

           The audio lingual method, or the Army method, or also the New key, is the mode of language instruction based on behaviorist ideology, which professes that certain traits of living things could be trained through a system of reinforcement. The instructor would present the correct model of a sentence and the students would have to repeat it. The teacher would then continue by presenting new words for the students to sample in the same structure. There is no explicit grammar instruction everything is simply memorized in form. The idea is for the students to practice the particular construction until they can use it spontaneously. In this manner, the lessons are built on static drills in which the students have little or  no control on their own output.

           The communicative language teaching is am approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes communication or interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. The clt was the product of educators and linguists who had grown dissatisfied with earlier Grammar Translation and Audio Lingual Methods, where students were not learning enough realistic, socially necessary language. Therefore they became interested in the development of communicative style teaching in the 1970s, focusing on authentic language use and classroom exchanges where students engaged in real communication with one another. The goal of clt is of creating communicative competence in the learners. It makes use of real life situations.
           The CLT and ALM differ from various aspects. Basic differences as presented by Finocchiaro and Brumfit(1983) are given below:
Meaning and structure
CLT: Meaning is paramount.
ALM: Attends to structure and form more than meaning.
CLT: Contextualization is a basic premise.
ALM: Language items are not necessarily contextualized.
Learning objectives
CLT: Language learning is learning to communicate.
ALM: Language Learning is learning structures, sounds or words.
CLT: Effective communication is sought.
ALM: Mastery or "overlearning" is sought.
CLT: Drilling may occur, but peripherially.
ALM: Drilling is a central technique.
CLT: Comprehensible pronunciation is sought.
ALM: Native-speaker-like pronunciation is sought.
Grammatical explanation
CLT: Any device which helps the learners is accepted - varying according to their age, interest, etc.
ALM: Grammatical explanation is avoided.
CLT: Attempts to communicate may be encouraged from the very beginning.
ALM: Communicative activities only come after a long process of rigid drills and exercises.
Native language
CLT: Judicious use of native language is accepted where feasible.
ALM: The use of the learners' native language is forbidden.
CLT: Translation may be used where learners need or benefit from it.
ALM: Translation is forbidden at early levels.
Reading and writing
CLT: Reading and writing can start from the first day, if desired.
ALM: Reading and writing are deferred until speech is mastered.
Teaching Patterns
CLT: The target linguistic system will be learned best through the process of struggling to communicate.
ALM: The target linguistic system will be learned through the overt teaching of the patterns of the system.
CLT: Communicative competence is the desired goal.
ALM: Linguistic competence is the desired goal.
Language variation
CLT: Linguistic variation is a central concept in materials and methods.
ALM: Varieties of language are recognized but not emphasized.
CLT: Sequencing is determined by any consideration of content function, or meaning which maintains interest.
ALM: The sequence of units is determined solely on principles of linguistic complexity.
CLT: Language is created by the individual often through trial and error.
ALM: "Language is habit" so error must be prevented at all costs.
CLT: Fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal: accuracy is judged not in the abstract but in context.
ALM: Accuracy, in terms of formal correctness, is a primary goal.
Intrinsic motivation
CLT: Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in what is being communicated by the language.
ALM: Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in the structure of the language.
Teacher's function
CLT: Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language.
ALM: The teacher controls the learners and prevents them from doing anything that conflict with the theory.
CLT: Learners are expected to interact with other people, either in the flesh, through pair and group work, or in their writings.
ALM: Learners are expected to interact with the language system, embodied in machines or controlled materials.
Learner Laguage
CLT: The teacher cannot know exactly what language the learners will use.
ALM: The teacher is expected to specify the language that learners are to use.
Teachers' responsibility
CLT: The teachers assume a responsibility for determining and responding to learner's language need.
ALM: The teachers have no responsibility to determine learner's language need.
Communicative language teaching often uses a functional-notional syllabus. A notional-functional syllabus is more a way of organizing a language learning curriculum than a method or an approach to teaching. On the other hand, Audiolingualism is a linguistic, or structure based approach to language teaching. The starting point is a linguistic syllabus which contains the key items of phonology, morphology, and syntax of the language arranged according to their order of presentation.
Instructional materials:
In communicative language teaching, instructional materials have the primary role of promoting communicative language use. In audio-lingual method, instructional materials assist the teacher to develop language mastery in the learner.
             Finally we can say that both the audio lingual method and communicative language teaching a tool method formerly grounded in the linguistic and psychological theory both may have some shortcoming and drawback but are both very effectively and widely used in language teaching and learning.

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(Crambriage Language Teaching)

Works Cited

"Crambriage Language Teaching." https://archive.org/stream/ApproachesAndMethodsInLanguageTeaching2ndEditionCambridgeLanguageTeachingLibrary_201610/__Approaches_and_Methods_in_Language_Teaching__2nd_Editio. cambriage, n.d.

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